Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why Essential Oils? Why doTERRA?

Just a short introduction to my WHYs of Essential Oils.

Why Essential Oils?
A few months ago I had not even heard of them, and now I sell them and will have them always in my home.  Why this drastic change?  Because I have tried some and they really do work and improve my health and the health of my family.  Simple as that.

 I am a very analytical person.  I have tried to approach my assessment of Oils in the most objective way.  I was even skeptical at first.  I will be sharing some of my findings and thoughts here on this blog.  I hope you will see why  I am so excited about them and I hope you will get excited, too!

Why doTERRA?

Purity, consistency, and quality:

That's all for today.  Hope you'll join me on my journey!